Safe Steps To Detoxification!

A Simplified Diet and Supplement Guide To Follow So You Can Stop Struggling With The Unpleasant Side Effects Of ‌Harsh Detoxification Programs.
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3 MAIN Sections

Diet Resources with a Picky Eating BONUS

Learn about the importance of healing the gut and about making good dietary changes. If picky eating is an issue, I have the resource for you! Detoxification often begins to change a picky eater’s habits.

Detoxification, Dosages and What To Expect

As your child begins to detoxify and the bad bacteria “die off” you may notice symptoms increase for a bit. This is normal, learn how to support your child during this process and how to complete it safely and effectively.

In-Depth Supplement Guide

Dive into supplements that are meant to ‘support’ and assist the body with detoxification. We will build on that, this guide is for ease to help you order and implement recommended supplements.

We’ve seen noticeable changes in his behavior!

We’ve seen noticeable changes in his behavior! He’s more calm than before and his speech has dramatically improved. His picky eating is very gradually getting better as his gut seems to be healing. He’s much less aggressive as well and he’s even playing more like neuro-typical kids his age.

Naturally recovering Autism

Terry talks about how the community and support through Naturally Recovering Autism helped her family.
Learn how Angela took her child off medication and had fewer symptoms of autism with the guidance of Naturally Recovering Autism.
Listen to how the support and direction of Naturally Recovering Autism allowed Nantie to stop the trial and error.
Karen has been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CW, and more.
She was recently featured on the Donna Drake TV Show, “Live It Up” and is also an honorary member of the International Association of Top Professionals, and has been awarded as the Top Autism Specialist Of The Decade!

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