HELP REduce your child's 
symptoms of Autism with 
Safe Steps to Detoxification

A Simplified Diet and Supplement Guide To Follow So You Can Stop Struggling With The Unpleasant Side Effects Of ‌Harsh Detoxification Programs.

1. Diet & Picky Eating

Learn about the importance of healing the gut and about making some dietary changes. If picky eating is an issue, then the work with detoxification often begins to change this.

2. Detoxification & Dosages

As your child begins to detoxify and the bad bacteria “die off” you may notice symptoms increase for a bit. This is normal, but you do want to know how to support them during this process.

3. Supplement Guide

The first few supplements are ‘support’ to assist the body with detoxification. We build on that. This is a quick guide for ease to help you order and implement my recommended supplements.

We’ve seen noticeable changes in his behavior!

We’ve seen noticeable changes in his behavior! He’s more calm than before and his speech has dramatically improved. His picky eating is very gradually getting better as his gut seems to be healing. He’s much less aggressive as well and he’s even playing more like neuro-typical kids his age.

This offer is based on my 17 years of autism research, the success I had with my own son’s recovery from his symptoms of autism, and the success of many other parents I have shared it with.

Now it’s your turn!

Whether you’re new to the autism journey or have been on it for years, the steps you will learn in this program are crucial to safe and successful results in autism recovery. You’ve been a committed parent, and it’s not your fault that you didn’t have the right resources, or know the right way to implement them. I too was once led astray down the wrong path when I was on my son’s recovery journey. You’re in the right place now, finally. I created this because I don’t want any more parents going down that lost road any further.

This is a very specific process that must be done correctly, but don’t worry, I’ve streamlined it for you.

The sequence begins with 

Dietary Changes.

Diet and gut health are incredibly important, and that is even more true with people who have been diagnosed with autism.

The gut controls the brain and 80% of the immune system, so it sets the foundation for overall health, but also for detoxification.

Speech, mood, focus, sleep, constipation, and so much more begin here, but to alleviate symptoms we must work with the underlying causes. That starts with strengthening the foundation.

You may have noticed in the past when you tried to make dietary changes that your child had gotten worse. Their body is beginning to release toxins from dietary changes alone. This is a good thing, but not if detoxification does not have the right support. There MUST be support in place for this release of toxins or you will see increased and even possibly violent behavior.

I can guide you through this process with the support you need to help reduce those behaviors, and for it to be effective. Otherwise, you could end up right where you are a year from now, and we don’t have time to waste when it comes to our children’s well-being.

This comprehensive, yet easy-to-understand program offers you all the steps you need for a strong foundation on the autism recovery journey to healthy detoxing and overall improvement of your child’s gut health. Therefore, immune health and mood stability, focus, sleep, speech, and so on. Symptoms are what you see on the outside.

Through The Safe Steps To detoxification You Will Gain:


ADDED Bonuses

Mindset Optimization Video

Parents matter too! Fear and worry can be challenging to overcome as a parent of autism. Remember, I’ve lived it too. We must take care of ourselves on this journey. I am giving you this added bonus to help support you. Utilize this resource everyday for yourself, and you can teach it to your child and other family members too.

The Environmental Toxins Resource Guide

Where the Most Common Ones Are Found and How You Can Protect Your Family From Them. There are so many toxins around us that we are unaware of. This guide helps you learn about them and gives you solutions so you can protect your family from them.

Picky Eating Guide

A guide to tips to help transition your picky eater and to get more nutrition into their diet through simple resources and strategies.

Have you tried in the past to change your child’s diet, but not gotten the results you’d hoped for?!

There can be many unpleasant symptoms that arise when you drastically change your child’s diet. There are picky eaters who challenge accepting the changes, and harsh side effects from the excess toxins. I have helped countless parents deal with these problems and achieve positive outcomes.

Here’s what one mom had to share after implementing Karen’s strategy


At the time I found Karen my son was on a protocol & was given too many supplements at once.

This caused my son to be cranky, he couldn’t sleep through the night, he didn’t eat, he would cry out of nowhere as if something had hurt him badly, he had a really bad stuffy nose, he would throw himself, bang his head … and had repetitive behaviors.


He sleeps through the night, is so happy smiling giggling laying on his parents playing with his sister ….

He is on a schedule for a normal toddler & overall so happy. I am so happy & excited about this! Even though this is the beginning of this journey I have gained so much & hope to gain more. Now I can say after being depressed & not knowing what was wrong or who to go to I finally feel like there is hope … I am happy to say my son seems a lot more comfortable & happy.

I am offering you this program for $297.

You will receive more than fifteen resources to learn how to safely detoxify your child and incorporate a healthy diet, even with a picky eater! Gut health is incredibly important when it comes to recovering from the symptoms of autism. Your gut health affects your overall health. If you have taken steps to lessen the symptoms of autism, but have not seen the best results, this may be the answer. Diet alone is important, but it is not enough on its own!

3 MAIN Sections

Diet Resources with a Picky Eating BONUS

Learn about the importance of healing the gut and about making good dietary changes. If picky eating is an issue, I have the resource for you! Detoxification often begins to change a picky eater’s habits.

Detoxification, Dosages and What To Expect

As your child begins to detoxify and the bad bacteria “die off” you may notice symptoms increase for a bit. This is normal, learn how to support your child during this process and how to complete it safely and effectively.

In-Depth Supplement Guide

Dive into supplements that are meant to ‘support’ and assist the body with detoxification. We will build on that, this guide is for ease to help you order and implement recommended supplements.

ADDED Bonuses

Mindset Optimization Video

Parents matter too! Fear and worry can be challenging to overcome as a parent of autism. Remember, I’ve lived it too. We must take care of ourselves on this journey. I am giving you this added bonus to help support you. Utilize this resource everyday for yourself, and you can teach it to your child and other family members too.

The Environmental Toxins Resource Guide

Where the Most Common Ones Are Found and How You Can Protect Your Family From Them. There are so many toxins around us that we are unaware of. This guide helps you learn about them and gives you solutions so you can protect your family from them.

Picky Eating Guide

A guide to tips to help transition your picky eater and to get more nutrition into their diet through simple resources and strategies.

Naturally Recovering Autism

Terry talks about how the community and support through Naturally Recovering Autism helped her family.
Learn how Angela took her child off medication and had fewer symptoms of autism with the guidance of Naturally Recovering Autism.
Listen to how the support and direction of Naturally Recovering Autism allowed Nantie to stop the trial and error.

I am the happiest mother in the world!

BELIEVE ME … THIS PROGRAM WORKS! YES, it has worked for my son…

My son who was diagnosed with several autism-like symptoms in 2018, at age 4 is fully functional TODAY… YES, HE IS. I can confidently say that almost 90% of the main symptoms are gone.

My son is turning 9 years old in two weeks. He has already chosen his birthday cake and theme. He has made a list of friends to be invited to his birthday party. He is drafting his birthday invitation card tomorrow… That’s how smart he is….


Every month I do a word count.

Basically, I try to document every word we get that day in the journal I keep. Two months ago we got to 130… Yesterday we almost hit 300!

He has way more repetition and small sentences. He has answered questions appropriately. Not every time but he couldn’t do it all before we started the program (3 months prior).

We’ve seen noticeable changes in his behavior!

This is beginning to work for the first time to improve things in a long time. He’s no longer uncomfortable in his own skin.

I’m feeling less overwhelmed. Thank you SO much for all the information.


My name is Karen Thomas and I have spent over thirty years in the field of holistic health. Twenty-seven of these years I have practiced Craniosacral Therapy, (balancing the bones of the head to allow the brain to function at optimum). I am an approved education provider through the National Certification Board of Massage Therapy and Bodywork (NCBTMB), which means I am nationally certified to teach, which I love to do. I am an educator, author, speaker, and consultant…. but first and foremost, I am a mom.

My passion for helping other moms naturally recover their children came from my own child’s diagnosis on the autism spectrum. My holistic background and knowledge of the brain assured me that my own child could and would recover if given the right support, even though they told me it wasn’t possible.

It quickly became apparent that in order to find the answers and the help I needed, it was up to me. Knowing the challenges parents face when given a diagnosis of autism and the lack of knowledge and support given I created Naturally Recovering Autism.

Today I offer my natural resources and process to other parents of children with autism.

My son’s journey took me over a decade to find through a lot of trial and error and much personal financial expense, but it was all worth it. Today my son’s symptoms are gone. He is a healthy, happy, college graduate and living away on his own very successfully. It gives me great pleasure to share what I have and help families all over the world. Now I wish to share it with you.

Please accept my invitation and register for this program now.
It is well worth your time and investment.

Diet & Detoxification Are My Most Requested Resources

Access the years of research and practices I have put my time and effort into through The Safe Steps To Detoxification. Naturally, Recovering Autism has helped parents in over 40 countries to improve their children’s symptoms of autism through all natural resources.

Diet and detoxification are so important to learn how to do safely, and with support. If you don’t know how to go through the detoxification process properly, and do so without guidance, it can be overwhelming, and become a frightening experience. The Safe Steps To Detoxification offers you the answers to the most common diet and detox questions, videos to help you understand how to go through each section correctly, and lifetime access to in-depth educational resources that will assist you on the journey

Why The Safe Steps To Detoxification Is Necessary For the Recovery Journey

Without optimum gut health the chances of the body being able to recover from the symptoms of autism are low. Diet has an impact on nearly everything that happens within the body, which is why detoxification and a healthy diet are the most requested resources I provide during all of my programs.

So what are you waiting for? Please accept this invitation now for this incredible offer, The Safe Steps To Detoxification for $297!
Karen has been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CW, and more.
She was recently featured on the Donna Drake TV Show, “Live It Up” and is also an honorary member of the International Association of Top Professionals, and has been awarded as the Top Autism Specialist Of The Decade!

© Naturally Recovering Autism 2023. All Rights Reserved. | Terms of Use
Any actions you take are done so at your own discretion. This information is not meant to diagnose, treat, or prevent any illness or disease. This is for informational purposes only. Please ask for a doctor’s assistance, when needed.

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